Thursday 13 June 2013

...I'm so inspired by these people & Lilla Rogers course sounds AMAZING tooo...

So I entered a meditative state late last not really my head is full of stuff even at 12 midnight.

I'd been mulling over the Rachael Taylor e-course The Art & Business of Surface Pattern Design. I looked through her blog and found designs that her graduates had worked on . Totally fabulous, and inspiring and just wanted to be involved. Some more can be found here & on Rachael Taylors blog.

Luisa Franco

Maria Bautista

Loni Harris

However in that semi- sleepy thoughtful state last last night I asked myself if I wanted to just do surface pattern? I asked myself would I like to have a hand at 'childrens picture books' and ' scrapbooking'  Well yes was in inner voice. I already knew about the 'Make Art that Sells' e-course that Lilla Rogers runs. Today I found the Facebook page for Lilla Rogers Studio and discovered what some of her students have been up to just in their first week. I want to add I'm so lucky these lovely people are sharing their experience of the course, to help me make a decision.

I really love the diversity surrounding the original brief...

Brook Witt

Sarah Laws

Here are a few from Flora Chang's process on the course....

And also thought to myself have a look at the graduate degree shows at are on now & perhaps New Designers at the Business Design Centre.

So decisions decisions...whats it going to be??? I'll try that meditation again to help mull things over...

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